Women are bitches.
They are worse than men.
Men might be arrogant or only interested in taking your panties off (and then get theirs in a bunch when you laugh at the mere thought) but they at least are simple and clear in their douchery.
Women, on the other hand, have the ability to be complexly conniving, one way one day, and gossip queens the next.
It's a fucking nightmare.
I used to work with all women.
There were a few token gay men -who were like extra fabulous women- so it was an estrogen extravaganza.
Drama. To the max.
Now I work with women and men and it's true what they say: women behave better when men are around.
I don't know why that is.
And as the superior sex -Sorry, dudes, but boobs beat balls any day- we really should know better.
The other day, this girl I knew from my days as a lingerie conoisseur came to visit me at The Store They Pay Me To Play With Diamonds.
We were hardly aquaintances.
We rarely even comment on each other's Facebook Status'.
But there she was with her new beau visiting lil ol' me and all the jewels I get to play dress up with.
And within minutes of her being there, her inner bitch reared its ugly head.
She not only was hating on the quality of product in the store, -Wow, there's a HUGE feather in that diamond, but I guess that's why it's only seventyfive hundred- she was questioning our policies, -I know, I know your warranty is "free" but you don't cover adding extra gold. Yeah we do. Since WHEN? She was even trying to get competitive about the sales she'd steal from us when she was selling jewelry at her last store. If I got a business card from here I'd staple their receipt from my sale and put it on the bulletin board. I simply replied, I always feel that if a customer doesn't find anything they love then they shouldn't buy it here.
What was her deal??
Did she come in as a spy for her store under the guise of dropping by to say hi to me?
And let's not even get started on the fifty pounds she's gained since we worked together or her super icky clingy boyfriend.
Grody. To the max.
But all that wasn't even the really bitchy part.
Her boyfriend whispered something to her and she told him he could say anything in front of me.
She has less of a filter and is more uncensored than I am.
And wanting to validate what she was saying and try and be light hearted (since the majority of their visit so far seemed uncharacteristically hostile) I added, Yeah, I've even had people delete me from Facebook because of things I've said in my status or blog.
Yeah, I've thought about it, but then I think, no, it's just too entertaining.
Excuse me....
Did she just say she's thought about unfriending me because of my sass??
Rude much!!
You don't get to come into my work and criticize me and just get away with it.
Especially with an ass the size of my dryer.
You have to be pretty or you have to be nice or no one will like you.
It's in the Bible.
And the tragic part of all is she's not the only one like this!
I feel like I encounter more bitches than sweethearts everywhere I go.
Do you know why a lot of women are friends?
Because they hate the same things.
They hate the same people.
They bitch together, bond, and then giggle gleefully through their two faced days.
I used to work with this girl who loved to hate on you not with her words, but with her EYES.
She'd stare at you from across the room, thinking she was oh so subtle, and I knew exactly what she was doing.
She'd be taking mental inventory of everything I was wearing, from the way my eyeliner was drawn on to how I'd pinned my hair, deciding if she approved of my striped hosiery or my layered necklaces.
You shop at Kohl's.
You aren't allowed to judge anything I wear.
This shit is vintage couture.
I find these interactions exhausting.
Unoriginal bores.
It is so much more wonderful when our focus, as goddesses in the world, is making each other smile and glow.
And not with some false phony feigned kindness but with genuine gratitude for the differences that make us each shine.
And with thankfulness that we understand, in ways a man can't, the logic of needing to cry one minute and stab someone with a fork the next.
That is beautiful.
And I wish we'd leave the ugliness to the men we'll never screw.
Because being bitchy really doesn't go with that outfit.
Just sayin'.