Friday, January 3, 2014

My Not so Perfect Love

My best friend used to be my boyfriend.

We work really well as friends but not as a couple.
You know that book, The Five Love Languages?
We only had one of the five in common.
And only about once a week.
-So we didn't really have that one in common either.-
We were just too different.
And opposites do attract, personality wise, yes.
But your core needs have to sync up.
Otherwise one of you gets their needs met and one of you is dissatisfied.

So, here we are, a year later, and we've stumbled into a much better relationship than we ever had while we were dating.
Maybe the secret to being in a happy relationship is dating other people.

I kid.

We both give horrible back rubs.
Having a massage from him is like having sex when you're a virgin.
He's rough when he should be tender, quick when he should be slow, he pounds on the one spot until you're almost in more pain than you can bear,  it lasts all of five minutes and when he's done, he looks at you with a big grin of pride and asks, "You good?"

But my back rubs were of equal caliber so it worked out.

We also somehow managed to score the same on the myers briggs personality test.
Though my friends are all convinced he's really an introvert.
He is the most introverted extrovert I've ever known.
Yet for all Mr. Briggs and Big M's scientific method, we couldn't have personalities more different than each other.

But if I get upset he never gets flustered.
He smiles and laughs because he finds my rage adorable.
He takes care of me when I'm sick.
And I let him share all his nerdiness with me because I know how much he loves it.
-I've played more video games in the past year than I have since I was a kid. And then I only played them so I could hang out with my brother.-

He's not my perfect love.
He's moody and self involved.
He can be socially awkward and single minded.
But he's always there for me when I need him.
He's never told me to fuck off -I'm not going into how many men have-
He accepts me as I am, whether I'm a bitch or whether I'm sad.
We just work.

And it doesn't make sense.
It just is.

Sometimes the things that are imperfect work the most perfectly.

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