Saturday, March 23, 2013

I'm weird. And fucking fabulous.

I like to write.
I'm emotional and always write what I feel which is usually a bad idea.
I don't have a filter.
I speak my mind and my mind is sassy.
I'm messy.
My bedroom floor has been covered with clothes since I could walk.
My car is not much better.
I love cats.

I hate the color orange and women who are always on diets and dogs and cowards.
The movie 'Tangled' always makes me cry.
So does 'Steel Magnolias.'
I once made a date with a guy just because the other guy I was dating talked to another girl.
I'm irrational and passionate and jealous.
Possessive would be an understatement.
But I need my space.

I've never stayed friends with an ex and I always wish I could.
I'm loyal to a fault.
I don't understand how people can just never talk again.
It still makes me sad that the last thing my longest relationship ever said to me was Fuck Off OK?
I'm terrified of my current ex boyfriend being as mean.

I want to get married.
I don't want kids.
I want a man who tells me I look beautiful every day.
I want him to take pictures with me and hold my hand and give me presents just because he thought of me.
I want him to like my Dad.

I don't like being judged.
I like being held.
My ex told me he didn't want to be with me because I was bad with money and I wasn't clean.
My weaknesses should be safe under your strengths not isolated and scrutinized.

I want to travel.
I want to use my passport.
I want to meet a man who means it when he says I love you.
I'm so tired of men who run away from their feelings.

I sleep with stuffed animals.
And I like to eat in bed.
I have an insatiable appetite when it comes to sex.
And if he doesn't hold me afterwards it really hurts my feelings.

I don't like knowing my guard is up again.
I know it's gonna take a lot of work from this next guy to get my wall down. Even a brick.
But I'm tired of being sad.
And I'm ready to make memories with someone who wants me there.

I don't like rock climbing.
And I don't like japanimation.
I only like cooking if it's with someone.
I love God.
I pray he orders my stumbling footsteps.
Even though I'm bound to muck them up again.

I feel guilty after I'm mean.
And I am usually the first to apologize.
I'm a sucker for a good hug.
And a man in a three piece suit.

I miss my friend.
But I hate inconsistency.
I want honesty.
I want someone who loves that I'm so weird and so wonderful.
And who writes me back.
Loving words.

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